Getter Jaani on Eesti poplaulja, kes võitis oma nakkava energia ja vaieldamatu andega terve põlvkonna südamed. Tema teekond staariks algas juba 16-aastaselt, kui ta osales 2009. aastal saates "Eesti otsib superstaari". Saate ajaloo noorima finalistina kiirgas ta positiivsust ja temast sai kiiresti publiku lemmik, saavutades lõpuks auväärse neljanda koha. See oli Getterile alles algus.
Samal aastal sõlmis Jaani lepingu plaadifirma ja muusikaagentuuriga Moonwalk ning andis välja oma debüüt-EP "Parim päev", mis saavutas noorte seas kohe tohutu populaarsuse. Tema kuulsus kasvas veelgi 2011. aastal, kui ta esindas Eestit Düsseldorfis toimuval Eurovisiooni lauluvõistlusel nakkava poplauluga "Rockefeller Street", mille autoriks oli tunnustatud Eesti helilooja Sven Lõhmus. Loost sai rahvusvaheline hitt, mis kinnitas Jaani staatust Eesti teismelise iidol.
Albumilt "Rockefeller Street" pärineb lisaks nimiloole veel mitu eestikeelset megahitti, näiteks "Valged ööd" koos Koit Toomega ja "Me kõik jääme vanaks" koos Mihkel Rauaga, millest on saanud tänapäevased klassikud.
Jaani on välja andnud neli albumit ja üle 20 eduka singli. Ta on andnud lugematul hulgal kontserte ja osalenud peaaegu kõikides suuremates telesaadetes. Getteri suurim kirg on laulmine ja tantsimine koos. Tema energiline isiksus ja kaasahaarav lavakarisma, eriti suurejooneliste tantsuetenduste puhul, on jätnud Eesti publikule kustumatu mulje. Hetkel töötab ta koos Sony Musicuga kauaoodatud comeback-albumi kallal, mis peaks ilmuma 2025. aastal.
Getter Jaani is an Estonian pop singer who captured the hearts of a generation with her infectious energy and undeniable talent. Her journey to stardom began at the young age of 16 when she competed in the Estonian version of Idol, "Eesti otsib Superstaari," in 2009. As the youngest finalist in the show's history, she radiated positivity and quickly became a fan favorite, ultimately finishing in a respectable fourth place. This was just the beginning for Getter.
That same year, Jaani signed with the record label and music agency Moonwalk and released her debut EP, "Parim Päev" ("Best Day"), which was an instant hit with young audiences. Her popularity soared in 2011 when she represented Estonia at the Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf with the infectious pop anthem "Rockefeller Street," The song became a viral sensation, further solidifying Getter's status as a teen idol in Estonia and beyond. Song has undergone some transformation on different social media platforms, thanks to music lovers and loyal fans. Nightcore did their version of the song with a 2x tempo and remix. “Rockefeller Street” is still a viral pop song across the globe. The song has hundreds of millions of views and downloads on YouTube and TikTok. “Rockefeller Street” has also been heard on Jimmy Fallon's much-loved evening show on NBC, and many of the world's Category A stars have danced and performed the song.
The "Rockefeller Street" album spawned several other Estonian-language mega-hits, including "Valged Ööd" ("White Nights") with Koit Toome and "Me Kõik Jääme Vanaks" ("We All Get Old") with Mihkel Raud, both of which have become modern classics.
Jaani has released four albums and over 20 successful singles to date. She has performed countless concerts and appeared on nearly every major Estonian television show. Getter's biggest passion is singing and dancing together. Her energetic personality and captivating stage presence, particularly in large-scale dance productions, have left a lasting impression on Estonian audiences. Currently, she is working with Sony Music on a highly anticipated comeback album slated for release in 2025.
2023. aastal tuli Getter Jaani ülipopulaarse telesaate "Tähtede täht" 1. hooaja üldvõitjaks: